
This is my addiction.
I grew up in this small town and hung out with Bible College students who were passionate in their development of the game of foozeball. Without fail I could walk down into the games room and find two - sometimse four - students trying desperately to win, sometimes there would be a considerable amount of people crowed around the table, watching the match take place.
This is the place and the enviroment where I learned to play.
I learned against those crazy bible college students.
It was after first year that I decided to put foozeball to the side, it was taking WAY to much of my time and in fact I barely played until this last half of my last year here.
I have awakened the demon and the incredable love of that game.
It really is all I think about...and boy oh boy does it make me smile when I think of it.
I thought I would just share with you all something so dear to my life.
Do something you absolutley love to do today - for no reason other than you love to do it.
I shall play foozeball.