
Monday, June 06, 2005


I love the rain.
The first day it rained steady I was shocked because it has not done that around here in many years. Then to wake up the next morning and hear rain on my window - I was in bliss.
It is suppsed to rain all this week. Unbelieveable really.

The sound of rain settles me - brings a calm awareness of the moment. It makes me stop, breathe, listen, shut my eyes and let myself get absorbed into the sounds, smells, and textures.

I bought a Television a few days ago.
Of course upon doing so I - in a whole new startleing way - realized how addicted I am to Television programing. I am a sucker for the CSI marathons on Spike, the home decorating shows (who does not like Extreme Makeover Home Edition - i mean really)and of course the Food channel.
I love the food channel. I do not think it is because I am obsesesd with food - but rather with cooking. I love to cook.

I think the rain stops my brain from thinking.
It might not be a bad thing (I guess it is good that it does not rain during the winter or I would not get through college) but none the less when you desire to blog about something - I don't know - thought provoking (not that I ever blog anything like that - but I do desire to)....it just doesn't work.

List 3 words to describe yourself RIGHT NOW (not where you hope to be, but where you are now)
here are mine for this moment:
- thoughtful
- soaked (i'm pumping gas and it is raining outside)
- tired