Prep Wkd

Walking into the lounge today was like walking into a wall. A solid wall. I was over powered by the scent of paint and vinyl. The cafeteria was no better because it is the main "painting" room. Large vinyl panels sprawled out all over the floor, paint brushes and garbage bags en mass, people wandering every which way with paint all over them. Yes that is right folks, Encounter Prep Wkd has begun.
Its a frightfully stressful and marvelous time this prep week before Encounter. So much that needs to be accomplished, so many details to put into place, and even though we are often doing things up until the students arrive, by the Grace of God is all gets done. Most of the college is transformed and it is quite a feeling to walk around amoungst the Sr. Higher's and see everything accomplished.

It is great watching everyone work and put things together, to see all of the little tasks that need to get done slowly come together. Its fun to take breaks and walk around, watching people work so hard....
Tonight I am off to watch "Doom" - have been meaning to see it for sometime now. I am watching it with a group of girlfriends who all appreciate those types of movies...shall be a wonderful and amazing time! Until later friends...take care.