
Wednesday, June 22, 2005

moving house

Well, with the help of some great gentlemen we moved house tonight. By moving house I mean all the furniture is over at the new place.
This is exciting news - mostly because it means that it is almost done - except that now it invovles unpacking and finding a place for it all.
There is always another side to the coin eh.

There was a wicked storm last night. So beautiful. At first it was just passing through some fields and farms north of town. I was sitting at the edge of town watching these incredible storm clouds and I was completely caught up in the light show, the lightening was unbelievable - it was rare - and I had front row seats.

It would crack so b r I g h t and head in every direction conceivable. Sheet, heat, fork all types of lightening were there. Man I have never seen anything like it.

I still can't get my head around the fact that I leave very soon for Calgary. Turns out I'll be teaching S I X times during bootcamp.....bahahahaha......it is only because we are going to separate the freshmen from the veterans. Talk about good preparation for my upcoming teaching internship....lol.

Well...I'm off do move a couple more loads to the house. Ciao friends.