
Friday, January 20, 2006

I love athletics

I am sure somewhere in the course of this blogging blog-ness I have mentioned my love of athletics, pretty much any sport I will either love it right away or most likely grow to love it.

I often have difficulty just "working out". The processes of finding enough energy to get to the gym and then to actually work out, thanks but I would rather spend my solidtude doing something else.
I need a "sport" to work out in. Ya know - something like volleyball, badminton, basketball, hockey, floor hockey....anything really.

This is why, even though I am discustingly busy this semester, I am still on the soccer team (we leave for a tourny in an hour) and I play on the FGBC's Bob Stone floor hockey conference (we did the draft for this semester and I GET TO STAY WITH MY TEAM! HORRAY).

I need things like that to get my heart pumping, blood flowing - I mean who knows when and where I will be able to play sports after I leave this place. I do believe I have missed my prime and even though I am looking at attending University I doubt I'll make the cut for atheltic teams...we shall see.

I find myself getting really excited, i have a ride to the Peg for reading break and I haven't been there in over a year (that's just sad and wrong) so i'm very excited to be back in that city, connect with great people that I got to know a little bit before I left, be back at WCV...i can't wait....so for all you Winnipegers that read this blog - see ya soon!