
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

the onslaught of November

It is november and with novemeber comes the ever and all to familar barrage of stress, sleepless nights, cold weather, stress, sleepless nights, cold weather, stress...

I had my panick attack reverantly referred to as the "freak out session" sunday and monday as I was preparing to teach a class for my mentor who was away.
rapid breathing
nervous beyond healthy limits
sweaty palms
light headed
I was quite a sight.

Sure I was nervous about teaching on Monday - I won't lie - but this nervous "freak attack" I had was much larger than the issue of teaching on monday. It was one of those "holy-crap-everything-is-caving-in-on-me-and-I-won't-get-it-all-done" moments. It was a time when your huge "to do" list is so large and extensive that it rolls and wraps around your brain many times, consuming all that is in there, all rational thought, and any hope of calm.

Of course I survived teaching and leading class discussion - thanks be to God.
Of course things are never really has horrid as they seem to appear.
Of course I probably overracted
but the point is the moment consumed me....
swallowed me in its teethy, slimly grip.

I am still waiting on stupid student loans......grrrrr......
and I am listening to Old WCV music....*sigh*
Its their 10 yr anniversary as a community this weekend....
wish I could be there....

And I am joining the FHL here at school (floor hockey league)
fun times...fun times...

Bring it on November....bring it on I say...