Celtic Tiger

Well last night I went and saw Micheal Flatley and his new production called Celtic Tiger.
It was very good and very well put together.
I remember watching Lord of the Dance for the first time on PBS or something and I was blown away by 1) how fast they can tap and 2) the music. I remember being so enthralled with the musicians and thinking how stinking amazing it would be to be able to play celtic music for a production like that....
I was happy to see that the music this time around was not lacking. This photo is one of the ladies playin' fiddle and Micheal Flatley rippin' it up on the flute (watching him play was incredable, he is really good, and being one who plays the flute I wanted to play again!) Really good musicians.....good grief.

I always laugh at the sort of things my mind wanders too while watching these types of productions. Behind the stage was this enormous screen (like probably the size of a theater screen if not larger) and in front of it is all of the dancers with the musicians on the sides. So I'm watching away and almost the only thing I am trying to figure out is where they have the projector mounted so that the image is fully on the screen and the dancers aren't in the way of the image....
I kept staring at how they had the lights rigged too - it was a good night.
It was probably the longest two hours home though. I haven't been sleeping for - well like two weeks - and I was SO tired last night but I can't sleep in vehicles. So it was tortourous...*grrr*
Well....besides good old Micheal Flatley, Celtic Tiger, and friends that have been making me laugh - it has been a crappy couple of days....so I am going to go tuck myself away in a movie.
I might not be posting for awhile - just to give you a heads up.