
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

much to do

I find it rather hillarious that I will be doing so much "teaching" on Street Invaders this summer. This is a good thing, I am excited and looking forward to it, I just love how God seems to prepare me a good 4 months in advance before whatever is coming next in my life.

Obviously I am heading into a teaching internship and will be learning the behind the scenes work and work load of a professor of a small bible college. It is great how I will have a good handful of formal "teaching" experiance BEFORE I even b e g i n my internship....lol. I wonder what God has up his sleeve.

Blistering hot today.
So wonderful.

I have a lot of stuff to research and prepare for these different little teaching things I will be doing and all of the stuff I want to pull from resource wise are all in E S T O N ! grrrr...
It is so hard being up here knowing EXACTLY where something is in a book, where the book is, or a handful of books that would be helpful

followed by the realization that all the books are not with me....and I just can't get my hands on the sort of research that I need to do.....oi.......

anyway. all is well.

I went on an "art rampage" yesterday. In the afternoon I ended up sketching the banner design onto the bed sheet so that it is ready to paint as soon as I get the paints to the offifce and then when we got back to the appartment I spent the next four hours sketching a very similar desing onto a canvass that I am painting for one of my roomates.
I spent the next two hours collaging....lol.

and then I couldn't sleep. lol. I was thinking too hard.
how was your day?