
Monday, October 10, 2005

how? ya I don't know either...

In the middle of a conversation with a friend tonight I managed to give myself a paper cut.
Not just any old paper cut in a normal location (i.e.- finger) but rather it was on the bottom of my upper lip.

Think about that for a second - it is right where your lips meet - what an extrodinarily awkward place,
what a completely random thing to do....

So with this competely baffling event in hand I attempt to pick up the pieces of being back here in Little Eston.
I must admit - I am in that mood where I want to take off, use my student loans and run away to a distant corner in the globe and not face all that awaits me here.

Things that await me here aren't bad or horrible or anything. I love this place, these people, these tasks that fill my day....but I am in running mode....that's all. I don't really care where I run too, or what I do when I get there,
I just want to run.
To leave.
To be done.

It was really nice to be in Cow Town this weekend.
Really nice to be able to hang out with a good friend (thanks Baby T).
Great to be able to walk around Downtown again.
Nice to be out of Eston.

stupid paper cut....I'm going to go whine in the bathroom.
*it stings*