
Friday, September 09, 2005

Written during class yesterday...

You know those sentances that just weasle in past your defenses?
It's like I watched it come straight at me and I could do nothing.
I couldn't duck
couldn't get out of the way.
It was as if I was frozen,
this sentance rocketing towards me and I couldn't move.

It hit me like a wad of silly puddy
just splatted on me and I couldn't shake it off.

Like in the Matrix when Neo see's that mirror for the first time.
He puts his hand through and then that silver goo is covering his fingers and then moves all over his body.

It's like that.

This silly puddy goo splatted on me and I am watching helpless as it seeps into me,
slides stealthly past my defenses and walls and makes itself comfortable like it thinks its welcome or something.
and now I see things differently, now I see...

all because of that one gooey sentance.
sharper than a two edged sword.... *pphffssh*

how about gooey-er than goo-ness,
slippery-er than a slimly goo thing...
