Oh too blog...
To be honest, I am struggling with this blog.
Struggling with what I want it to be, why I am writing here, who is even reading it. To some degree, now that I am not so near to the ones who read these haphazardly thrown together words, I feel a sense of obligation in turning this into a "this is what's happening in the life of Raeh" sort of blog.
But I always stop short of that, always hesitant to let it become that type of a blog. I do not want it to be a day to day log of my life right now. I realize that sure some posting have been that, but that is not the reason why I started a blog.
So with all that said, I sign into blogger and stare at the blank box where I write my posts. Then I sign out - "another day" I mumble as I close the internet window.
Struggling with what I want it to be, why I am writing here, who is even reading it. To some degree, now that I am not so near to the ones who read these haphazardly thrown together words, I feel a sense of obligation in turning this into a "this is what's happening in the life of Raeh" sort of blog.
But I always stop short of that, always hesitant to let it become that type of a blog. I do not want it to be a day to day log of my life right now. I realize that sure some posting have been that, but that is not the reason why I started a blog.
So with all that said, I sign into blogger and stare at the blank box where I write my posts. Then I sign out - "another day" I mumble as I close the internet window.