
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

change in weather

Waking up to gloomy, overcast, and windy weather can be both a good thing and a not so good thing. The not so good is simply the fact that I am usually always cold and when the weather turns to fall breezes and temp dropping fast...well my poor little system just rebels, not to mention the joints that connect my body freak out and decide to act 4 times their age, being all arthritic and all......*sigh*.

Ah but the good....
the good is - well - really good.
of course a staple to days like today is tea, many cups of tea.
I don't think there is a time when I am having a cup of tea and I am not happy. Tea reminds me of the good things in life and in a day. I guess it is good that I drink tea regularly then eh?......

Then of course there is the whole "curl up in a blanket and read" moments (whenever you can squeeze it in). Those moments are priceless as well. It's like be enveloped in a hug (tea in hand) and if you have a book you are enjoying, oh the moment seems boundless in its wonderfulness.
Is wonderfulness even a word?
Ya I didn't think so either.

It is nice seeing an end to something, knowing that you have to push it until then, but when that moment arrives - when it is over - mmm that feeling.....there is nothing like it.
These two papers I have are due tomorrow and today is the storm before the calm...I anticipate tomorrow when it is over, its like nothing can wreck the bliss and beauty of the day when you hand in big papers.

Its starting to rain.
As I have said many times on this blog, rain and tea go hand in hand...
so to the tea I go.