
Tuesday, September 06, 2005


As of late I have been increasingly struck by the disaster happening down in the states with this hurricane, the aftermath, the dead, the destruction, the sick, the lack of resources for survial, no drinking water...
I have been catching what news I can on the net (CNN, CBC, FoxNews etc.) and my heart just hurts. We - in our homes with our food and warmth - don't get the reality of what is happening down there (generalization I know, many people DO get it....)

I am not trying to put a guilt trip on the fact that we are not in destruction right now, but just commenting how much my heart hurts for those people, for the missing, the ones who can't find loved ones, those two cops that just comitted suicide and their families....*sigh*.

So much happens in this world that is SO beyond us...how do you live in the midst of it? How are our hearts supposed to function in the midst of so much hurt and pain....I know the only thing I can do is pray, I just feel overwhelmed by it ya know? How do I even start praying? How does God feel? How much more does He grieve and hurt for the pain that his creation goes through.....