
Monday, September 05, 2005

passion for sports

Whenever I am not playing sports...I really do forget how much I love them. Unless of course I am able to get my hands on a volleyball; then I get goose bumps all over and I am giddy for days.

I have played so much sports these last couple days. Yesterday I spent all afternoon just sho.oting some hoops at the church. It was so nice just to be there by myself, me and the ball, hearing the beat as I dribble it around the gym that just echo's it right back at me.

I went home that night to eat and found out that a bunch of students were going to the church to play some volleyball....do I ever love volleyball....I grabbed some yogurt and headed back to the church and played volleyball for two hours.

Then tonight we played again.
Of course I am sore beyond the normal pain tolerance level - but that is beside the point.
I got to play volleyball!!
We are going to have an AMAZING s team this year...
Definately going to surprise the other teams...I can't wait to see their expressions.

Now that I have played volleyball for two hours I need to attend to my homework.
Here is to an early morning.