You all may be wondering where the countdown on the side bar went. Well to be quite honest with you all it was depressing me. I think the reality that it is going to be ending so quickly has begun to hit home and watching those numbers get smaller and smaller - well I just couldn't do it anymore....
So that is where the countdown went...
In other news, our ECFHA hockey team (lets hear it for Endtimes Hockey Battilion) has swept the semi finals of playoffs and now advances to the final games on monday...
definate w00t
I have started to pack - just books and such. I usually pack in spurts, I will all of a sudden be overwhelmed with the urge to pack and so I will. Its hard for me to do it little by little.
Anyway, I think my spurts will be more out of frustration this time around - frustration that this is ending, it will be a venting session of sorts, where all the emotion I am feeling of one season ending and another begining will be thrown into chucking things in boxes and trying to keep it all organized so I can find stuff when I get to Calgary...
I have three assignments left - that is a very small amount. I will most likely finish two of them by monday...
I am off to play foozeball...