
Thursday, September 29, 2005

colour quiz

I really love quizes....so I did this one.....kind of creepy how they can be accurate in certain ways....

ColorQuiz.comRaeh took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!

"Her need to feel more causative and to have a wide..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

just some randomness

Words I loved today:
  • waffle
  • ache
  • subtle buddle
  • sheer
  • anticipation
  • gargoyle
10 beautiful things from today:
  1. Watching the leaves change colour
  2. fat, white, swelled up clouds littering the sky
  3. My friends eyes
  4. A smile consume a face
  5. laughing our breath away at supper with a table full of friends, all of us choking on lasagna.
  6. The feel of cold almost wet grass under my bare feet.
  7. Hearing a well respected professor crack a joke at 8:30 this morning about a grasshopper going splat on a windshield...*snicker*
  8. warm tea on a cold evening
  9. an unexpected call and a good friends voice
  10. Jack the cat.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

the box

A friend brought a box of my stuff up from Winnipeg in August and it wasn't until the bootcamp was done and I was back in this little town working on some papers that I actually started to go through it.

It really is strange how an old box can stir so much.
This old box full of items - small and large - that are direct lines to a time in my past. Each thing I touch, smell, and feel takes me back to a time that seems so long ago. To people, places, and memories tucked away in my mind.
I pick up old comics and suddenly I am in a memory, caught up in a conversation, and smelling the weeds out the front door, the noisy cars rushing past as they go about their days driving busy streets full of lots of people. Flipping through my old sketch book from when I first arrived in Winnipeg and seeing attempted ideas on the page, thoughts and forms that were soaring around in my little head - it really is like finding something from centuries back.

Old journals hold old thoughts and journeys of times past and as I read the words I am caught up in how different I have become, how far the journey has moved on and how strange it is to be reading the words I once wrote so long ago.
Each sentence seems to reveal so much. As though each thought is a time warp directly to a specific room in the house, conversations had, or issues wrestled with. It is both wonderful and confusing how words, scents, and sounds can do that.

Finding moments like these to read old journals and look at where your life and heart were and where they are now - is an interesting moment. I find myself missing people, dear friends, old jobs that I hated and bosses that were crap, I miss making coffee for caffeine starving Christmas goers that were willing to wait in line almost an hour and a half just for some coffee. I always thought they were nuts.
Christmas nuts.

It is good to be in this place - on this journey - and I wonder when I will find my journals from today and where I will be when I read them.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

sun spots

There is incredible joy when you are able to sit in the sun.
Correction - lounge in the sun.

Most days I feel like a cat because as I walk circles within these college walls I come across certain locations that warm my heart. There are a handful of windows that when the sun is sitting properly in the sky, offer the most wonderful moments.

I try to walk past these locations, try to keep tholeling along, but there is a pull that is stronger than my will. It whispers at me in a steady rhythm,
drawing me,
wooing me,
until I loose the will to fight and give into the bliss.

It is a magical moment when you are able to lie on your back with the sun light resting on you.
Where your eyes hurt because of the brightness pounding them - even though they are closed.
Your body tingles under the magnified warmth coming through the glass.
You lie still,
tucked away in some corner of the college where hardly anyone walks by,
and you rest in silence under the warmth of sunlight.

Your thoughts heat up like they are in an oven,
the intensity of both the silence and the sunlight bring new perspective and new joy.

Soon the bittersweet realization that you have to get up off the floor and continue your day weasles into your conciousness
and the task that was negelcted for the patch of sun begins to press on.

Walking away from the sun patch on the floor I stand and stretch
- just like a cat -
and as I walk my gaze is full of sun spots and I can't help but smile and wonder when I can return again to the patch of sun on the floor,
curl up like a cat and get lost in the Sun.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

snoring silence

The silence of the house is enough me make me giddy. Next to no sound, just the comfortable silence.
*when did I get comfortable in silence?...hmmm*

Jack is curled up on the chair across from me. With not a care in the world he tucks his head sideways under his paws and lets out a sigh. I really love cats and I have particularly fallen for Jack - what a suck and he's got me wrapped around his finger.

For example, my roomate locked him downstairs last night before we went to bed because he likes to wake us up at disgusting hours in the morning. But it was raining hard all day yesterday and parts of the basement flooded. So being the one that Jack has control over i went down and got him and locked him in my room instead...

Of course he woke me up at 4:30 - but could I get mad?

Now he sleeps on his chair - snoring.
He always wakes himself up by snoring...funniest thing I have seen in a long time....shoots his head straight up like an alarm went off right beside him.
Looking so completely disshelved his head finally falls back down under the weight of his exhaustion....what a guy.

speaking of exhaustion....
teriaky chicken puts you right to sleep

Saturday, September 10, 2005

wind, rain, and a latte

When I am lieing in my bed I can see out my window where the tops of the trees and the sky are the only view. This morning I woke up to see the tops of the trees bending, twisting, and nearly snapping in half as they were getting tossed about by the wind.

In my delirium I thought "HURRICANE!"
and then chuckled to myself as I realized I was in the middle of the prairies where hurricane's are highly unlikely.

So I stayed in bed under my warm duvet cuddling my cuddle blanket and petting Jack's belly (it is so strange having a cat who likes having his belly rubbed).

It started raining later on today and after wasting some time watching the movie Best of the Best 2 (that's right there is a sequel for those who know the movie Best of the Best.) I walked back to my house in the rain.

What does this rainy evening find me doing?
I am nursing a stove-top Chai Latte....
About to do some homework (blah)
and hangin' out with a friend...(awesome)

Today's 10 beautiful things:
- stove-top chai latte
- splashing in rain puddles
- Genesis
- the desire to do Martial Arts again
- the Arabic language (written and spoken)
- the sound of rain on window's
- rubbing Jack's belly and having him fall back asleep
- volleyball
- Chuck Taylor's
- anticipation for tomorrow

Friday, September 09, 2005

Written during class yesterday...

You know those sentances that just weasle in past your defenses?
It's like I watched it come straight at me and I could do nothing.
I couldn't duck
couldn't get out of the way.
It was as if I was frozen,
this sentance rocketing towards me and I couldn't move.

It hit me like a wad of silly puddy
just splatted on me and I couldn't shake it off.

Like in the Matrix when Neo see's that mirror for the first time.
He puts his hand through and then that silver goo is covering his fingers and then moves all over his body.

It's like that.

This silly puddy goo splatted on me and I am watching helpless as it seeps into me,
slides stealthly past my defenses and walls and makes itself comfortable like it thinks its welcome or something.
and now I see things differently, now I see...

all because of that one gooey sentance.
sharper than a two edged sword.... *pphffssh*

how about gooey-er than goo-ness,
slippery-er than a slimly goo thing...


Thursday, September 08, 2005

dancing and smiling

The sun woke me up this morning. I rolled over to say hi and looked out my window that is located wonderfully beside my bed. The trees looked like they were dancing in the sunlight, like little kids twirling and spinning in the morning that was so beautiful, because life was so beautiful.

It was really nice to wake up with a smile.
Often I'm not smiling when I wake up - not because I am grumpy but because I don't really know what is going on. Usually that makes me smile though...the wonderful delirium of early mornings.

So this summer I fell in love with a band called "stars"....I think I am sufficiently hooked. I really like their sound, reminds me of the British sound...I am an enormous fan of British rock...*mmmm*....

I am still feeling overwhelmed and slightly scared regarding my internship, maybe that is because it hasn't really started yet...I just feel like I have so much to stay on top of - I just want to do a good job, no a GREAT job...

I'm going to go play guitar in the sun.
I have missed my acoustic - being so obsessed with the piano lately I forgot about my baby. Its been a nice reacquaintance time.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

the wonderful balcony Posted by Picasa

here goes...

Because of Clarks random "I tag everyone" with this thing....lets give it a shot...but if I can't think of anything I'm just not doing it okay?....

Seven things that scare me
  • Clowns
  • Dolls with the blinky eyes (eer wait..dolls in general)
  • The dark
  • Spiders
  • Loosing loved ones
  • Being a passenger in a moving automobile
  • Finding a friend who has committed suicide.
Seven things that I like the most.
  • Friends
  • Icecream
  • Beef Jerky
  • New Places, New People, New Cultures.
  • Languages
  • Helping people
  • Giving hugs
Seven important things in my room
  • My Compac Disc's
  • My duvet
  • My pillow
  • My books
  • My blanket
  • My alarm clock
  • Cuddling with Jack the cat.
Seven random facts about me
  • I hate peeing in public places (yes living in the dorms was tortorous)
  • Terrified of clowns - oh wait said that before.
  • I love to cook
  • Love to travel
  • Hardcore introvert but I love people
  • Want to start my own business
  • I have had 9 peircings on my face (eeeshh that sounds bad...lol)
Seven things I plan to do before I die
  • Rock a baby to sleep in every country in the world
  • Have and run my own business
  • Learn to speak many languages (French, Arabic, Latin, Hebrew, Biblical Greek, etc)
  • receive a PH.D or two or three...
  • Travel to places (towns, cities etc) tied into my family heritage (Kentucky, Montana, Europe, France, Scotland)
  • Be in the Reserves for the Cdn Army
  • Play competitive sports in Univ.
Seven things that I can do
  • Drive a stick (love it)
  • Play a handful of instruments (acoustic guitar, piano, djembe, flute)
  • Sports (volleyball, basketball, badminton, hockey, baseball, Javelin, shot put.....etc.)
  • Write a pretty decent essay
  • Hang out with friends...
  • Play video games for hours and hours and hours (Praise the Lord for WoW)
  • Cook
Seven things I can't or won't do
  • I can't eat onions because of the texture.
  • I will cook with milk but I won't drink it straight.
  • I won't ....ummm.....
  • I can't think of any more...
Seven things I say the most
  • Seriously... (thanks for that T. lol)
  • eh?
  • man...
  • ciao...
  • hey beautiful...
  • awesome...

Seven celeb crushes (crushes? seriously...)

  • Collin Farrell
  • Brad Pit
  • Michelle Rodriguez
  • Jessica Alba
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Mark Wahlberg (awesome Marky-Mark)
  • Jason Statham

am I done? awesome.....


Tuesday, September 06, 2005


As of late I have been increasingly struck by the disaster happening down in the states with this hurricane, the aftermath, the dead, the destruction, the sick, the lack of resources for survial, no drinking water...
I have been catching what news I can on the net (CNN, CBC, FoxNews etc.) and my heart just hurts. We - in our homes with our food and warmth - don't get the reality of what is happening down there (generalization I know, many people DO get it....)

I am not trying to put a guilt trip on the fact that we are not in destruction right now, but just commenting how much my heart hurts for those people, for the missing, the ones who can't find loved ones, those two cops that just comitted suicide and their families....*sigh*.

So much happens in this world that is SO beyond us...how do you live in the midst of it? How are our hearts supposed to function in the midst of so much hurt and pain....I know the only thing I can do is pray, I just feel overwhelmed by it ya know? How do I even start praying? How does God feel? How much more does He grieve and hurt for the pain that his creation goes through.....

Monday, September 05, 2005

passion for sports

Whenever I am not playing sports...I really do forget how much I love them. Unless of course I am able to get my hands on a volleyball; then I get goose bumps all over and I am giddy for days.

I have played so much sports these last couple days. Yesterday I spent all afternoon just sho.oting some hoops at the church. It was so nice just to be there by myself, me and the ball, hearing the beat as I dribble it around the gym that just echo's it right back at me.

I went home that night to eat and found out that a bunch of students were going to the church to play some volleyball....do I ever love volleyball....I grabbed some yogurt and headed back to the church and played volleyball for two hours.

Then tonight we played again.
Of course I am sore beyond the normal pain tolerance level - but that is beside the point.
I got to play volleyball!!
We are going to have an AMAZING s team this year...
Definately going to surprise the other teams...I can't wait to see their expressions.

Now that I have played volleyball for two hours I need to attend to my homework.
Here is to an early morning.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


One of the worst feelings has GOT TO BE waking up in the morning with a migrane.
Completely stupid.

This afternoon is our annual "Outting to the Hills" here at the College. Heading down to the River Hills along the south Sask River. Play some games, have some hang out time, sit around a campfire, probably have some Bannok, eat a hotdog, listen to how God has been working in people this summer, eat some spitz......
mmmm spitz......

OH...I need to go get coke before we go.....
mmmmm coke.

Here's hoping my migrane goes away and takes this stupid back pain and cold with it.....

Thursday, September 01, 2005

This morning the air was perfect.
Not hot and stuffy, not windy, not overcast, and not freezing (like morning air can sometimes be), rather it was perfect. Fresh and settleing. Like the kind of air that makes you just want to stand there, in the midst of it; not doing anything - just standing.

Its the feeling like your waiting for something,
a moment that is hanging just beyond you but isn't quite there yet.
a lingering presence that you can't see,
a scent that you can't quite put your finger on...
..... standing there waiting.

This feeling has followed me so far this day,
into rooms,
in conversations,
It isn't a nusance, definately not a burden, just intertesting.
Like a silent vistor walking with me through my day.

Conversations between us are through the slightest gesture,
a look,
a smile,
a thought,

What an awesome day.